quinta-feira, 16 de setembro de 2010

Why are we posting in English?

        From now on we will be translating our posts into English. The Peace Lutheran Church (São Vicente City – São Paulo State – Brazil), of the Brazil's Evangelical Lutheran Church (IELB) is about to complete 36 years of existence. We have been blessed in so many ways by our Lord Jesus that we decided to tell in a foreign language about this blesses. One will notice that mistakes when translating will be made, for which we apologize. Fell free to send us an e-mail about the mistakes because it will help the translator learn a little bit more.

terça-feira, 14 de setembro de 2010

Brazil´s Evangelical Lutheran Church (IELB) President visits São Vicente

        With a lot of joy and enthusiasm, the leadership and the pastor of Peace Lutheran Church received on Thursday night, 08/05/2010, the national president of Brazil´s Evangelical Lutheran Church (IELB), pastor Egon Kopereck. After a long journey through the Paulista and Bandeirante Districts, his last appointment at São Paulo State was the visit to the South Coast of São Paulo Missionary Project, whose base is the Peace Congregation of São Vicente. Mutual presentations and the appreciation of the new temple architectural project were part of the meeting that lasted more than 2 hours. Afterwards, everybody hanged out for a pizza night!! After midnight, the president still had breath for a quick tour through São Vicente (first Brazilian city and the place of arrival of the first Lutheran in Brazil, back in 1532) and Santos, hometown of the famous soccer team where Pelé played. 

presentations moment

        Pastor Marcos took the president to the airport on Friday morning, 08/06. “I am very happy and enthusiastic seeing the work of the Peace Lutheran Church and the South Cost of São Paulo Missionary Project. Keep the enthusiasm and may God bless you all”, said the president.
Church meeting

Congregation leadership and IELB´s president

Evangelization – Father´s Day

        On Saturday, 08/07/2010 (father´s day in Brazil), took place the distribution of 250 thematic booklets to the Father´s Day, produced and sponsored by the Lutheran Hour Brazil, partner at the South Coast of São Paulo State Missionary Project. The team had 5 people who disposed about 40 minutes of their day for a brief contact with those who passed by our church street. We ask God to bless the messages in the hearts of everybody who reads they and we are at your service to talk more about these messages. If you received one of the booklets please contact us because we want to know if you liked the messages. Thanks to the entire team that is always ready and willing to take our Lord´s Word to more and more people. 

Junior in action
Amanda in action
Carlos Müller Junior in action
Vinícius in action
The evangelism team of Father's Day