terça-feira, 14 de setembro de 2010

Evangelization – Father´s Day

        On Saturday, 08/07/2010 (father´s day in Brazil), took place the distribution of 250 thematic booklets to the Father´s Day, produced and sponsored by the Lutheran Hour Brazil, partner at the South Coast of São Paulo State Missionary Project. The team had 5 people who disposed about 40 minutes of their day for a brief contact with those who passed by our church street. We ask God to bless the messages in the hearts of everybody who reads they and we are at your service to talk more about these messages. If you received one of the booklets please contact us because we want to know if you liked the messages. Thanks to the entire team that is always ready and willing to take our Lord´s Word to more and more people. 

Junior in action
Amanda in action
Carlos Müller Junior in action
Vinícius in action
The evangelism team of Father's Day

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