terça-feira, 24 de maio de 2011

Lutheran Church of Joplin (USA) hit by tornado

On Sunday, 22/05, the city of Joplin, Missouri, United States, whose populations sums approximately 50000 people, was hit by a tornado that destroyed about a third of the city. The natural disaster passed about a block away from Immanuel Lutheran Church, affiliated with the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod (LC-MS), our sister church there. Lutheran Church in Joplin has also a school that serves children 3 years old until 8th grade.Thanks to the good God as much destruction has occurred with the church were some felled trees, as seen in the photos of the Facebook page of the church: http://www.facebook.com/immanueljoplin?sk=wall

The structural part of the church is fine, but the church members need our prayers. The church in Joplin are trying to find its members to see if they are fine. At the site http://www.immanueljoplin.com/TORNADO/tabid/3141/language/en-US/Default.aspx you can check families whose homes were severely damaged or completely destroyed, families who lost loved ones, families whose members are undergoing surgeries, families who have lost pets, etc..
The community is making a huge effort by offering place for people to store their possessions, bathe and sleep. People are being called to the church to help organize donations and prepare meals for those who lost their homes.
We would like to help, of course However, an entire continent separates us. But this physical distance is non-existent when we pray to our gracious God for that, by the faith we have in Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord, give strength to our brothers in this time of difficulty.

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